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Map of Glade Run Lake and its Watershed

Updated: Feb 3, 2021

Blog post written by Amy Jewitt, GRLC Board Member

Map created by Roy Weitzell, GRLC Board Member

Maps are an important part of the work of the Glade Run Lake Conservancy. They allow us to better understand where important places are within the watershed of the lake, easily view our water quality sampling sites, and allow us to identify land owners located within the watershed that may be interested in obtaining a conservation or agricultural easement on their property.

The following map, created by Dr. Roy Weitzell of the Eden Hall Aquaculture Lab at Chatham University, showcases the location of the lake in relation to where it is found in Butler County. (See image in upper left corner of map.) It also highlights the many streams located in the area, several of which feed into Glade Run Lake.

Take a closer look at the map by clicking on it.

A better understanding of the actual lake property can easily be seen on the map, along with the walking trail available to members of the community to come and enjoy. A HUC, or Hydrologic Unit Code, offers a glimpse of the local sub-watershed level that Glade Run Lake resides in (i.e., HUC 12).

Finally, information on the right side of the map conveys the larger waterbody systems that Glade Run Lake is tied to. In other words, these waterbodies are what indirectly connect Glade Run Lake to the ocean:

  1. Glade Run

  2. Connoquenessing Creek

  3. Beaver River

  4. Ohio River

  5. Mississippi River

  6. Gulf of Mexico

If you'd like to see other maps of Glade Run Lake, please contact us, and we may just be able to create them!


Amy Jewitt (blog post author) and Roy Weitzell (map creator) are each active board members of the Glade Run Lake Conservancy.

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